If you plan to put your home on the market soon, you may also be thinking about holding an open house. Hosting open houses is perhaps one of the most effective ways to sell a house in a pinch. However, if you want to ensure a quick sale, preparing the home and making it aesthetically pleasing can help. Use these five tips to help you prep the home.
Image: Pexels
1. Consider Which Aspects of the House Are Outdated and Make Some Sought-After Upgrades
Although you may be planning to sell your house as-is, making even just a few upgrades can boost the home’s appeal and “wow” factor for the open house. You may want to review the home and consider which aspects are the most outdated or potentially unappealing to buyers. Once you’ve narrowed down this list, consider making highly sought-after upgrades.
If you’re on a particularly tight budget, one low-cost yet potentially effective upgrade you could make is adding attractive, one-of-a-kind wallpaper to the home. This move can reset the tone in each room and add a fresh new look to the house. You may want to keep things simple and use peel-and-stick wallpaper, which is made with easy-to-remove adhesive backing. For a more customized or unique look, you can order wallpaper printed on demand. This option may allow you to get the wallpaper quicker since you can rest assured it won’t be out of stock!
2. Make Sure the House Is Free of Clutter and as Spotless as Possible
According to some researchers, a messy house may look smaller, dirtier, and less appealing than it would if it were simply less cluttered. That’s why you should declutter and clean your house prior to hosting showings. In particular, make sure to:
Dust the furniture
Wipe down the kitchen
Vacuum the floors
3. Remove Personal Mementos, Photos, and Other Customized Items
If your home is filled with too many personal items, prospective buyers may find it difficult to envision themselves as the owners of the home. That’s why you should do a quick tour of the house before the big day and remove personal objects to boost appeal.
These items can include family photos, emotionally significant personal items, mementos, and family heirlooms. Additionally, make sure customized items with your name on it are out of view.
4. Move the Furniture Around and Create a Photo-Ready Staged Environment
Making sure the house is ready for photographs, both professional and personal, is another step in open house preparations. To ensure your home photographs well for agents, brochures, and buyers, you may want to:
Rearrange the furniture
Put out plates of cookies and try other small touches
Install new lighting
5. Boost the House’s Curb Appeal by Investing in Landscaping
Finally, it’s important to remember to fix up the outside of the house, too. Boosting curb appeal doesn’t need to use up a large chunk of your budget, thankfully. You can improve the home’s outside looks by:
Making sure you’ve mowed the lawn
Trimming bushes, hedges, and trees
Investing in some light landscaping, such as planted flowers
Holding an open house is already one of the best ways to land a contract on your home in a jiffy, but if you want to ensure your house appeals to numerous buyers, prepping the home can help. These five simple steps can help you make your house look as appealing as possible at the open house. And when you’re ready to sell your home, partner with realtor Gino Tozzi! 313-587-6602